Thursday, November 25, 2010

Gobble, Gobble :D

According to the word thanks has two meanings:

  • Tto express gratitude, appreciation, or acknowledgment to
  • Thank G-d (used to express relief, thankfulness, etc.) Also, thank goodness, thank heaven.

So, what is it that we, as Americans are thankful for? What is it that we, as a people are thankful for? Our we thankful for our families? Are we thankful that we can practice our religions, are we thankful for the right of freedom of speech? Are we thankful for having a roof over our heads, clothing on our bodies? Are we thankful for the brave men and women who are WILLING to risk their lives, in order to save another one? There are many things one can be thankful for. But the most important thanks we need to give, is to our Heavenly Father.

Thanks giving is the day where families gather as one, and eat a delightful meal. Where they share past experiences, jokes, stories, and what they are most thankful for, etc. This will be my last thanksgiving being eighteen, as I will be turning nineteen on the first of January. So, this is really the middle of ending a chapter in my life, whereas the last day of December ends the chapter completely. So I want to take the time to say thank-you to those who I have known, will continue to know, will begin to know, and I want to say thank-you to my parents, my siblings, my dog, my family, my friends, my coworkers, and basically anyone who has been part of my life at one point or another. Although he is no longer with us, I would like to thank my cousin, Robby (OB"M) for teaching me a very valuable lesson in life. That is, no matter how tough a situation may be, you just have to keep on going forward. Because if you let it get the better of you, you'll most likely live the rest of your life in total depression, and in pain. I also want to say thank-you to Rob, because I know that wherever he is, he is always going to be there, looking down at us, while watching over us. Rob had a saying, which was "Fear not the darkness, fore there is light up ahead." Right now we're in "dark" times, but those who have passed on before us, shine a light, telling us that everything will be alright. Even though it may not seem that way, you just gotta believe. I would also like to thank the troops, the I.D.F. , British troops, and any other troop who has supported Israel, or for anyone who has supported Israel, and will continue to do so.

Yes, I am finished rambling on, you may proceed to the "x" on the top right hand corner of this page. Thank-you for stopping by. Comments are wanted and appreciated, if you'd like!



1 comment:

  1. I just wanna make a point. You have no need to be thankful for these things to God. He doesn't provide them. You have a food over your head and food on the table because your parents worked hard for them. You have an army and emergency services because you pay taxes (you will, if you don't now).

    So thank your parents, thank your government, and by all means, thank those who risk their lives for your freedom.
